Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week 8: #19 Web-based Apps

I did try out the Zoho Writer and Google Docs.
I didn't like either of them, because of the limited features.
I also don't like that all your documents are normally online and that the servers can go down at any time. And leave you without any documents when you most need them.
The other little problem that I had was that the server (or the computer) froze up on me.

I also see that the people that use Zoho Writer because they don't have Word on their computer... But there also free programs like Open Office and Star Office that will allow people to use these programs without the internet access. These programs will allow you to save the work as Word, Excel, or even Power Point...

Well, the plus side about these web sites are they will allow student, employees, or just about anyone to be able to colloborate on any project or idea.
The other little thing that I liked about Zoho Writer is that you can expert your project into multiple formats. One of them being PDF....(Very nice)...

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