I am glad that I did do these exercises....
I will be glad about expressing my opinions about the IHCPL 2.0...
In fact, I have recommended the program to a couple of people....
Would love to see this program done in Spanish or any other language?
I would like the take the time to give "Thanks" to the staff that took the time to creating the program.
Oh well, Aloha. (Aloha is goodbye and it also hello)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Week 9: #22 Downloadable Media
Lucky for me, I had already tried Overdrive before and have download audio books to my mp3 player. There great for people on the run. I usually download the (free) audio books and hear them on the way to work...
I usually like the selection from Overdrive's Library. And most likely will continue using the (free) library.
They also great ebooks (but I am still in love with reading real books and not having a computer in front of me). Sometimes, you just need some alone time (away from everyting).
I usually like the selection from Overdrive's Library. And most likely will continue using the (free) library.
They also great ebooks (but I am still in love with reading real books and not having a computer in front of me). Sometimes, you just need some alone time (away from everyting).
Week 9: #21 Podcasts
I did go to Podcastalley.com and found out some cool RSS Feed for some Podcast....
I have the feed on the right side ... of my blog...
I have tried...I've added a RSS Feed for Vista O.S..
You can find podcast for just about anything and they are easy to download (or just about any computer).
Almost Done....
I have the feed on the right side ... of my blog...
I have tried...I've added a RSS Feed for Vista O.S..
You can find podcast for just about anything and they are easy to download (or just about any computer).
Almost Done....
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Week 9: #20 Discover YouTube
I did like the videos that people place in youtube. There are so many videos for so many different type of people, but that also includes the good (like how-to) and the bad videos (from young girls and ladies shaking body parts).
As you can tell, I like learning about electricity. Or just about anything that could stop us from using coal or gas burning.
As you can tell, I like learning about electricity. Or just about anything that could stop us from using coal or gas burning.
Become a Video Producer - DBGT
I used animoto to create this video... Hope you like...Found some pics on the internet ... and then uploaded this pics into animoto... Add some techno... and the outcome was the video..
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Week 8: #19 Web-based Apps
I did try out the Zoho Writer and Google Docs.
I didn't like either of them, because of the limited features.
I also don't like that all your documents are normally online and that the servers can go down at any time. And leave you without any documents when you most need them.
The other little problem that I had was that the server (or the computer) froze up on me.
I also see that the people that use Zoho Writer because they don't have Word on their computer... But there also free programs like Open Office and Star Office that will allow people to use these programs without the internet access. These programs will allow you to save the work as Word, Excel, or even Power Point...
Well, the plus side about these web sites are they will allow student, employees, or just about anyone to be able to colloborate on any project or idea.
The other little thing that I liked about Zoho Writer is that you can expert your project into multiple formats. One of them being PDF....(Very nice)...
I didn't like either of them, because of the limited features.
I also don't like that all your documents are normally online and that the servers can go down at any time. And leave you without any documents when you most need them.
The other little problem that I had was that the server (or the computer) froze up on me.
I also see that the people that use Zoho Writer because they don't have Word on their computer... But there also free programs like Open Office and Star Office that will allow people to use these programs without the internet access. These programs will allow you to save the work as Word, Excel, or even Power Point...
Well, the plus side about these web sites are they will allow student, employees, or just about anyone to be able to colloborate on any project or idea.
The other little thing that I liked about Zoho Writer is that you can expert your project into multiple formats. One of them being PDF....(Very nice)...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Week 8: #18 Social Networking
There are many pluses about having a social network...
Such as finding friends in the same field of study or career, finding habit (such as going out to party), or just having the same taste (such as having a dog or cat).
The only problem that I see in these network societies is that these pictures can be seen around the world. You have to be really careful about the things and words you place up there.
When your a kid in high school, then it may not hurt you now. But if your looking for a job in the future, then the future practices may be that they will do a background search and not hire you or fire on the spot. Every action can come with it rewards and it consequences in the future (online or offline). But even with such cons, the good outweights the bad. Especially if you have a group of people helping each other with math homework, or better yet, building a better car a better hydrogen car. If you can blog it, then they will come.
Such as finding friends in the same field of study or career, finding habit (such as going out to party), or just having the same taste (such as having a dog or cat).
The only problem that I see in these network societies is that these pictures can be seen around the world. You have to be really careful about the things and words you place up there.
When your a kid in high school, then it may not hurt you now. But if your looking for a job in the future, then the future practices may be that they will do a background search and not hire you or fire on the spot. Every action can come with it rewards and it consequences in the future (online or offline). But even with such cons, the good outweights the bad. Especially if you have a group of people helping each other with math homework, or better yet, building a better car a better hydrogen car. If you can blog it, then they will come.
Week 7: #17 Blog About Technology
With all the consumption of gas and it's prices... I which to focus on an alternative way of getting energy (electricity). Of all the technology that is out there ...
I guess I which to talk about an article that I read about "Power station harnesses Sun's rays"
It uses mirrors to concentrate on a single point (a building) to build up heat (or steam). Without internet and technology advances in computer and video... I wouldn't have been able to know anything about the advanced in fuel efficiency.
Nice article and video. I also made a comment on EboneeGurl's Blog.
I guess I which to talk about an article that I read about "Power station harnesses Sun's rays"
It uses mirrors to concentrate on a single point (a building) to build up heat (or steam). Without internet and technology advances in computer and video... I wouldn't have been able to know anything about the advanced in fuel efficiency.
Nice article and video. I also made a comment on EboneeGurl's Blog.
Week 7: #16 So what's in a wiki?
Anyone can use and edit the wiki's websites....
Which can make them easily lose creditability...
But even then, it is a very good website to begin your search....but it should be the only resource that you use for your reports or essays.
I did add my blog website to the list of Favorite Blog Website ....
Which can make them easily lose creditability...
But even then, it is a very good website to begin your search....but it should be the only resource that you use for your reports or essays.
I did add my blog website to the list of Favorite Blog Website ....
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Week 6: #15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0
Information need to flow for it to be useful.
Libraries do also need to change with the information age.
Information is not only text but graphics and even videos.
There are so many tools for both librarians, staff, and public users to collaborated information.
Information is ready available and the librarian could guide them and intructed them at to which is reliable.
I also believe that they will be a time somewhere in the near future, when everyone will be able to request information from a 3d hologram. This 3d hologram will be able to have find your information, have conversations, and stay with you until the late hours of the night teaching us everything about math or history.
Libraries do also need to change with the information age.
Information is not only text but graphics and even videos.
There are so many tools for both librarians, staff, and public users to collaborated information.
Information is ready available and the librarian could guide them and intructed them at to which is reliable.
I also believe that they will be a time somewhere in the near future, when everyone will be able to request information from a 3d hologram. This 3d hologram will be able to have find your information, have conversations, and stay with you until the late hours of the night teaching us everything about math or history.
Week 6: #14 With Technorati
Found out many thing blogs about different topics...
I also decided to use the blog search within Google search, and found differences....
Found more search results from Google Search (almost twice as much), but more use information from Technorati Searches.
Will try other searches later on..... To see who will win the battle of the blogs search....
I also decided to use the blog search within Google search, and found differences....
Found more search results from Google Search (almost twice as much), but more use information from Technorati Searches.
Will try other searches later on..... To see who will win the battle of the blogs search....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Week 6: #13 Tagging makes the web 2.0 world go round
I already had an account with del.icio.us and do see the benefits of using an online social bookmarking services. There have been many times where people have created favorites in their browser at home. The problem is that when you need them most, you are not at home. Or even worst, the computer breaks down and you've lost all your bookmarks. Some of the bookmarks, you may be able to remember, but some will be lost forever....
Week 5: #12 The "Library" Elf will remind you!
For personal reasons, I do not want to share my information. Talk to a reference libary, an they said that it was fine not to give away my account information. But I did go to the website and found out about all their services that they provide..
Week 5: #11 A Thing about Library Thing
Did create an account with LibraryThing.com and place a couple of favorites and recent books that I have read...
As you can tell, I like fantasy and computer books....
Did place the widget thingy on the side bar within my side bar.
As you can tell, I like fantasy and computer books....
Did place the widget thingy on the side bar within my side bar.
Week 5: #10 Play around with Image Generators
After trying many of the Image Generators, I eventually went with the herd and stuck with Meez, but I did enjoy the Dummies Book Cover Maker.
Hope you like the virtual me!
Hope you like the virtual me!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Week 4: #9 More RSS
Did a little more on RSS and found http://www.topix.net/rss/houston.
It found local news and weather... will place these feeds in my Gmail and my Bloglines...
Just name the topic and you will find tremendous about of information at your finger tips....
I did find that by going to the websites that I normally use, they all seem to have RSS feeds.
I've also added the RSS Feed from the Houston News on the sidebar as well .....
It found local news and weather... will place these feeds in my Gmail and my Bloglines...
Just name the topic and you will find tremendous about of information at your finger tips....
I did find that by going to the websites that I normally use, they all seem to have RSS feeds.
I've also added the RSS Feed from the Houston News on the sidebar as well .....
Week 4: #8 - RSS
I did my RSS and found it to be quiet impressed by the websites that are providing this service.
I normally use RSS within my Gmail account.
But was able to use it and did find a couple of new tricks with within Bloglines....
I did participated in a number of tech issues and USA Today feeds, but I also enjoyed some of the feeds about cars. Within one of the feeds I was able to find some code the show local prices of gas.
It should be on the side bar.....
I normally use RSS within my Gmail account.
But was able to use it and did find a couple of new tricks with within Bloglines....
I did participated in a number of tech issues and USA Today feeds, but I also enjoyed some of the feeds about cars. Within one of the feeds I was able to find some code the show local prices of gas.
It should be on the side bar.....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Week 3: #7 Photo Editing Tools

I did this for my wife....
That's funny...
I showed this to my co-worker and the first thing that she said was "What did you do wrong?"
Why does a women automatically assume that a man has to do something wrong to do something good....
Well enough about me....
Added some text to the picture that I had before with
http://www.picnik.com/ and changed the borders....
And this once the outcome....
Week 3 - #6 More Flickr Fun

This was done from a website that uses the flickr account's pictures.
Hope you like the calendar.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Week 3 - #5 First time for everything..

This will be the first time that I will be posting picture on Blogspot...
Hope everyone likes my cool "Blacksheep".
And if you don't see it ....
I will try and try again, into you see this cool picture...
I used Picnik to edit some pictures.
I've rotated it, added some text, and some images to the original picture. I hope you like it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Week 2 - #4 How To Be Safe Online - For kids
What are the ways to be safe online? Just don't get online ... (just kidding).
1. Don't let them post anything that you don't want the school or the world to know.
2. If your kids are using the Internet. Place the computer in the living room or computer room, not their bedroom.
3. Monitor your kid's personal websites (Such as http://www.myspace.com/ or http://www.bebo.com/).
4. Have software that protects your kids from themselves, such as antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewalls.
What are other ways to protect your kids?
1. Don't let them post anything that you don't want the school or the world to know.
2. If your kids are using the Internet. Place the computer in the living room or computer room, not their bedroom.
3. Monitor your kid's personal websites (Such as http://www.myspace.com/ or http://www.bebo.com/).
4. Have software that protects your kids from themselves, such as antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewalls.
What are other ways to protect your kids?
Week 2 - #3 Don't be afraid of be a diamond in the rough
This is the first time I have exposed myself, but will not be my last.
Don't be afraid to follow your way and not follow the band wagon.
Life is too short to be someone else, just be yourself.
So be happy, live a long life, and eventually you will shine.
Don't be afraid to follow your way and not follow the band wagon.
Life is too short to be someone else, just be yourself.
So be happy, live a long life, and eventually you will shine.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Week 1 - #2 Life Learning Skills
In life they are times that we get stuck in life and want to learn, but we seem to forget what type of learner we are or were.
If you want to know what type of learner you are, then click on the following link.
Personally I haven't had time to give my result, but I will post them in a few days.
Hope it help in your quest for knowledge.
If you want to know what type of learner you are, then click on the following link.
Personally I haven't had time to give my result, but I will post them in a few days.
Hope it help in your quest for knowledge.
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